Wastewater Systems: Questions & Answers
How much CE Blend is needed?
The amount of CE Blend required will vary from installation to installation. This is why we provide laboratory testing services to better determine application rates. In general, application rates range from 0.05 to 0.15 lbs of CE Blends per gallon of wastewater.
How much Filter Media is used?
Again, usage will vary. But a good rule of thumb is 30 linear feet per 1000 gallons of wastewater.
Will I need any other system in addition to the wastewater system?
Most installations only require the wastewater system. Some customers may want to add a polishing column such as activated carbon after the wastewater system, but in most cases this is not needed.
What happens if I put too much CE Blend into the wastewater system?
Nothing. One of the best features of the wastewater system is its flexibility. Overdosing just produces more floc.
What kind of safety precautions need to be taken when working with the wastewater system?
Common sense is the most common important safety measure when working with the wastewater system. Wearing a standard dust mask is also recommended when pouring the CE Blends.
How do I dispose of the sludge generated by the wastewater system?
In most cases, the sludge is considered non-hazardous (by passing the TLCP test) and can be disposed of in an industrial, non-hazardous landfill. Local landfill regulations sometimes vary and should be consulted.